
Friday, April 28, 2017

May Reading List

For the month of May I finally decided on these three books. "The Design of Everyday Things" was a book my husband suggested. He hasn't read it but thought it was one I would enjoy. It was first published in 1988 and since then has been revised and republished a few times. I am looking forward to reading Don Norman's opinions on design and the psychology behind them.

"Magnifeco" by Kate Black is labeled your head-to-toe guide to ethical and non-toxic beauty. Kate is an activist for the world of eco-fashion and sustainable living and many people know her from her website I like the concept behind her book as she is encouraging consumers to be more knowledgable about their purchases.

"Nelly Don: A Stitch in Time" is a book I came upon when I was looking for documentaries to watch. I never did find the documentary of the same name but I did find this companion book. Nelly Don was an inspiring woman entrepreneur who started a successful fashion company in 1916. She had an eventful life but nowadays very few people know her name.

I am hoping these will be a great variety for the month of May. It has been fun but challenging to pick a new selection of books, but the goal of reading the books I already have has derailed a bit. Partially due to the fact that I am still buying books ;).

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