So I have been making all sorts of fake food lately. My daughter just loves it all and since we go to a Waldorf Parent/Child group once a week the ideas just keep coming. It is also a good thing to work on while amusing Isadora and helping her with her own art projects. I know the looks/responses I get sometimes when I answer the question of "what are you making?" are bafflement, surprise, stunned silence, curiousity. Anyways the range is growing everyday. I hope to finish my green eggs and ham soon, still haven't determined how large to make the ham. I should probably just start and go with the flow. That is usually the best answer for me.
These are a couple of things I completed in the last few weeks. When I get my ham done I shall make sure I post it.
And really I'm not just making food. I have also been working on dolls and I actually got started on a new fibre piece this week.