
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pinterest & Swapbot

So I joined a swap on Swapbot which was about Pinterest, my opinion of it and a link to my boards.
I really enjoy pinterest because sometimes images are all my brain can deal with that day. The boards provide a great way to compile inspiration. In general I am a fan.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

MMMay Accessories

May 20 - Sweater Flower Hair Elastics

May 21 - Crocheted cuff made with handdyed local alpaca and vintage buttons

May 22 - Fibre Cuff made with felt/yarns/beads and hand stitching

May 23 - Necklace on simple silk cord - pendant made from mirror,wire, beads and metal ring

May 24 - Vintage Fabric headband

May 25 - Stretch Velour headband - a bit of a cheat  as here it is just a strip of fabric (but it worked really well to help tame my hair) Will probably modify it by adding some trim/embellishment
Well it was as I suspected it was a week of accessories. I will attempt to switch it up a bit more for the last 6 days. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Where Has May Disappeared to?

Another month has seemed to slip by. This week has been spent trying to get a lot of little items restocked up eg. hair elastics, bracelets. Have also been trying to get a wardrobe evolution project completed - need to complete a skirt and one jacket and then arrange for pickup. That's my plans for tomorrow. 
This weekend I need to complete a palmer dress in lilac/grey tones for a custom birthday present order. Next weekend June 2nd is the show in Batawa so I would like to get some new dresses done for that. But need to make a whirlwind visit to Montreal next week also.So I strongly expect it may be a little difficult to stay on schedule, but Well Life Happens.
If I get some new dresses done I will make sure I take some snapshots and get them posted. Think I may also try to get some other headbands done out of some of my vintage fabrics. At least a couple for myself to combat the humidity which is making my hair LARGE. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Next addition to MMMay12

May 12 - Skirt and top made from dress

May 13 - Twirly scarf made from recycled silk yarn

May 14 - Another twirly scarf made from recycled silk yarn

May 15 - Top embellished with stitiching and ribbons

May 16 - Skirt made from T-shirts (and yes I luv Halloween)

May 17 - Dress made from golf shirts

May 18 - Capris made from pants with extras on the bottom

May 19 - Felt Bauble bracelet
Looks like I may have to make myself some more clothes or accessories before the end of the month. This is definitely more of a challenge then I expected. Probably about 75% of my wardrobe is handmade/altered but not all by me.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

MMMay '12 challenge

May 1 - Sweater Headband/Crochet Bangle

May 2 - Palmer Dress in Grey/Black

May 3 - Crushed Velvet Jacket

May 4 - Grey Sweater Skirt

May 5 -  Grey Sweater Jacket

May 6 - Sweater Skirt Black/Red (Horrible picture)

May 7 - Cotton Crochet Wristlet

May 8 - Headband

May 9 - Another  Sweater Headband

May 10 - Sweater Dress
So here is the first part of the month for the MMMay ' 12 Challenge. You may have noticed a fondness for headbands. This is due to the weather which makes for frizzy hair and the fact that it is  time to do a hair dye touchup. The picture taking has been part of the challenge. I find the clothing/accessories show up best not on ME, and it is a definite challenge to take a decent picture of yourself. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Share Your Blog 2! last but not least

This is the last installment of Share Your Blog 2!
This is an image from the first posting on Mag's blog. She has decided that her life is just tooooo normal and needs a bit of shaking up. So she has stated 10 different ways to try to do this. 
All of them seem manageable and basic ways that many people could expand their lives. I'm impressed that she is taking on this challenge in her own life.
Another thing she has added to her life lately is signing up for Bellebox which is receiving a box of beauty products monthly. I am curious to hear whether the Mekhala Living Hair product works as I have frizzy unruly hair myself. This is a product I have never heard of before, actually most of them are unfamiliar to me. It sounds like the boxes are improving as they go and it is always great to get treats in the mail. Thus far her blog has potential and hopefully she keeps it up.

Airy Persiflge
This is a blog done by a women by the name of Bev. I think my absolute favourite post was where she introduced us to her community of Davis, Ca. It was a great way to do some armchair traveling and learn scads about where she lives.

Eggheads.jpg (61692 bytes)
This is one of the various pictures ( I am a real sucker for outdoor art thus I picked this as a sampling). It seems bicycling is a common mode of transport here and her examples of  "...that used to be..." are great. I have often heard statements like that from the locals in many communities. Definitely going to have to check out how far from San Fran Davis is.
Bev discusses many aspects of her life in her blog, theatre, food, volunteering, her love of the written word/reading, and presently the passing of a dear friend. It seems she has a very active life and always attempts to enjoy it to the fullest even when it throws her unpleasantness.